War  |  Memory  |  Gratitude

Book of Remembrance Project

Book of Remembrance Project


Inspired by many of you who were at the Kohima Commemoration service in York this year, we thought you might be interested to contribute to a new idea from the KET.

So many of you have stories about your father’s, grandfather’s, great-grandfather’s or other family members’ experiences in the war. These were stories that they may have told you themselves, or you may have heard later from someone else, or you may have discovered after they died. I know there are one or two of you whose mothers or grandmothers were also involved.

We thought it would be a wonderful idea to collect as many of your stories as you allow us to and to create a Book of Remembrance, in order to remember these men and women for posterity.

Whether your relative was a private or a general, in Kohima or Schwebo, Imphal or Mandalay, or even involved afterwards in Japan; and whether they were in the army, the RAF or the Navy, a doctor, a nurse or a padre, we would love to hear from you.

The Book of Remembrance will be a digital one, located on the KET website, designed so that we can add more stories as time passes and have them easily accessible by all who are interested to read them. We would like to launch the Book in this 80th Anniversary year of the Battles of Kohima and Imphal and we look forward to expanding it next year, as the 80th Anniversary of VJ Day approaches. We intend to keep it live into the future so that stories can be added continuously.

Thank you to those who have already contributed. There is still plenty of time for those of you who wish to send your stories to us.

If you have photographs, please do send them as well. Ideally, we would like to receive a photograph(s) of the person involved and we are envisaging 300-400 words per article. This should all be sent via email, if at all possible. Due to space constraints, we do reserve the right to make editorial changes.

Please submit any material to us at: 


However, if hard copies are your only option, we would be happy to return material to you after we have taken copies.

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Kohima Service York 2025
This year's event will be on Thursday 26th June 2025
The Kohima Museum
Located at Imphal Barracks, York
The Kohima Museum Regimental Collection Digital Archive

Consider donating a KET scholarship