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80th Anniversary Remembrance in York

80th Anniversary Remembrance in York


The 80th Anniversary Service of Remembrance and Gratitude for the battles of Kohima and Imphal took place in the Dean's Garden, York Minster, on Thursday 4th July 2024.


The Memorial Service was conducted by The Very Reverend Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, pictured below. The music was provided by The Band of the Prince of Wales, by kind permission of Major General James Bowder OBE, General Officer Commanding, London District. 


Acting Pipe Major Euan Jardine of The Royal Scots Guards led His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, the Lord Mayor of York and the Sheriff of York to the congregation.


The Readings

Pericles' Funeral Oration read by Lucy Green. Lucy (below top left) is the daughter of Lieutenant Alexander McDonald, Regimental Signals Officer 4th British Field Regiment RA. The reading is an excerpt from an oration given by Pericles, the Athenian statesman, at the funeral of those killed defending Athens in the Peloponnesian War.

No Tears Were Shed at Kohima read by Jock Walker-Munro.  Jock (below top right) is the great-grandson of Lt Col Ross Howman, CO 1st Assam Regiment.  The poem was written by Sergeant John Donne who fought at Kohima with the Lancashire Fusiliers. 

Romans 8:31-39 read by Lauren Carty. Lauren (below bottom left) is a great-granddaughter of Lt Col William Felix Brown, CO 1st Assam Regiment who was KIA in Shwebo in 1945.

Kohima Epitaph read by Michelle Everett. Michelle (below bottom right) is the granddaughter of Major Gordon Graham, 1st Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.

When you go home

Tell them of us, and say,

For your tomorrow

We gave our today.


The text of the poem No Tears Were Shed at Kohima


The Address was given by The Venerable Dr (Air Vice Marshal) Giles Legood, Chaplain-in-Chief and Archdeacon for the Royal Air Force. His words were thoughtful, moving and inspiring. We are most grateful to him.


The full text of the The Address can by read by clicking on the button below:


The Address by The Venerable Dr (Air Vice Marshal) Giles Legood

Laurence Binyon's famous words were read by WO1 (GSM) Brian Kiernan:

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn;

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.


As the piper played 'Heroes of Kohima' composed by Lance Bombardier Stewart of the 8th Gordonds, wreaths were laid:

His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, Mrs Johanna Ropner

The Right Honorable the Lord Mayor of York, Councillor Margaret Wells

General The Lord Dannatt, GCB CBE MC DL

Mr Angus Barclay, Chairman, The Kohima Educational Trust

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Skinner, CO 2nd Signal Regiment & York Garrison Commander.

KET is enormously grateful to the Dean and Chapter of York for allowing us to hold this annual Memorial Service in Dean's Park.  We would also like to thank the soliders of the 2nd Signal Regiment for their unstinting help.  Without their support, and the support of the Chapter, this event would not be possible. 

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Kohima Service York 2025
This year's event will be on Thursday 26th June 2025
The Kohima Museum
Located at Imphal Barracks, York
The Kohima Museum Regimental Collection Digital Archive

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